The Do’s and Dont’s of the Green Card Process
If you are applying for a green card, consider the do’s and don’t’s of the green card process to prepare. Continue reading to learn more and reach out to our Lyndhurst family & individual immigration law firm.
What are the do’s of the green card process?
- DO follow your Bureau of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) forms instructions. Failure to do so or failure to provide the requested information could result in substantial processing delays.
- DO provide proper translations when needed and include all required documents in the forms. The USCIS will not process the forms if any documents are missing in most cases.
- DO follow the USCIS photograph instructions. Be sure to take advantage of your local USCIS office; they may have an onsite photographer.
- DO contact your local USCIS office for any inquiries you may have. Visiting the office in person may go a long way. You can also use the USCIS website for inquiries.
- DO request an interpreter from the USCIS office if you have trouble understanding English.
- DO retain the services of an immigration attorney if you have been refused entry into the US in the past, deported, convicted of a crime, made a misrepresentation to the USCIS, overstayed a visa, or are currently in the country illegally.
- DO disclose to your attorney any earlier denied entries in the country as well as any deportations, convictions, misrepresentations made to the USCIS, unauthorized employment, or overstayed visas. Your attorney will be able to decide if any of these issues can be resolved or whether they are relevant to your immigration plans.
What are the don’t’s of the green card process?
- DON’T commit any crimes. Having a green card will not prevent you from being deported.
- DON’T smuggle other foreign nationals into the country.
- DON’T engage in politically subversive activities.
- DON’T fabricate or lie on any USCIS form.
- DON’T fabricate or lie to USCIS officers.
- DON’T leave any blank sections on your forms or assume that any part of the form is unimportant. If the information does not apply, insert “N/A” or “none.”
- DON’T create the impression that you are not living in the United States once you obtain your green card. Leaving the United States for too long may result in you losing your green card.
- DON’T charge others for legal advice. It is illegal to practice law without a license.
Contact our experienced New Jersey firm
We understand how much is on the line when clients face matters related to immigration. If you are in need of experienced legal counsel for matters regarding immigration, please contact the Law Offices of Salvatore A. Falletta, LLC and we would be happy to provide you with assistance. Our firm is located in Lyndhurst, New Jersey. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.